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Do Landlords Really Need An Accountant?

Do Landlords Really Need An Accountant?

Do Landlords Really Need An Accountant?

The perks of owning property in the city are numerous, but it’s also a task for the responsible. Landlords and rental unit owners have to navigate through the complex conduits of laws and regulations followed by keeping up with the tax regulations.

While all this might seem a simple task, for someone who is earning regular passive rental income, they need robust landlord tax accounting. UK-based landlords are turning to property accountants for specialized services, including tax planning and structuring property deals, to keep up with the tax regulations and pay taxes on time. These services are crucial for addressing UK landlord tax concerns and ensuring compliance with the latest tax legislation.

Do Landlords Really Need an Accountant? Is Hiring a Tax Accountant Necessary?

There is no legal requirement for a landlord to hire an accountant. However, given the complex nature of property tax, regulations, and the specialised needs that accountants for landlords cater to, including managing property finances, taxes, and legal obligations, there is a lot of room for error. Specialist property accountants provide tailored financial solutions for property investors, offering advice on various areas of accounting and tax for property. They also manage landlord tax returns as part of their services. Hence, the money landlords wish to save by not hiring an accountant can potentially go to the government in the form of surcharges and fines.

Moreover, landlord tax accountants can help landlords claim tax relief and save expenses in multiple areas.

In the sections ahead, we will help you understand the importance and utility of a landlord tax accountant

Benefits of Hiring a Landlord Tax Accountant

Tax accountants can put on multiple hats for a landlord, depending on the latter’s position and requirements. They are adept at identifying allowable expenses that can be deducted from rental income to optimize a landlord’s tax position and effectively manage property taxes, ensuring landlords navigate their tax obligations with expert guidance.

Landlord tax accountants are well-versed in UK landlord tax issues, providing specialized knowledge and support to address landlords’ tax concerns.

Additionally, property accounting plays a crucial role in managing cash flow and providing financial advice to property owners.

Stay Compliant With Taxes and Compliances

Given the complex tax system in the UK and interwebbed property taxation rules, property tax specialists and landlord accountants play a crucial role in helping landlords fulfill their obligations to pay income tax on earnings from residential lets, including rent, payments for services, and deposits. They ensure compliance, claim deductions, manage landlord tax returns, and submit tax returns on time, thereby helping landlords avoid penalties or fines for non-compliance and ensuring they do not leak income to the authorities unnecessarily.

Then there is the new regulation, effective from April 2024, Making Tax Digital (MTD) for Income Tax.

According to this regulation, a new system for income reporting and recording will come into place. Under this, all the self-employed landlords who receive property income will have to share and report their income, emphasizing the importance of understanding and fulfilling these tax obligations with the help of expert accountancy services.

Managing Rental Income and Collection

Landlord tax accountants in the UK are adept at handling the rental income of their clients. They can take responsibility for rent collection, reporting, and tracking. Given their expertise in accounting, property accountants can also set up an efficient rent collection and accounting system.

Landlord tax accountants help manage rental income in compliance with UK landlord tax regulations.

Using their expertise, landlord tax accountants can also help their clients with income-related issues.

Claim Expenses and Complete Liabilities

In the UK, landlords have the right to claim several expenses in lieu of their rental tax liability. According to, landlords can deduct the following expenses from the tax if these expenses are made wholly and exclusively for the purpose of renting out the property. The following expenses can be claimed only if the landlord is paying for it themselves;

  • Water, gas, and electricity bills
  • Council tax bills
  • Letting agency expenses
  • Marketing expenses
  • Accountant fees
  • Landlord’s insurance
  • General maintenance and repairs to the property
  • Expenses for services rendered by gardeners and cleaners.
  • Legal fees

Specialist property accountants assist in preparing and submitting landlord tax returns, ensuring all eligible expenses are claimed accurately.

While the UK government does allow landlords to claim these expenses, there are several caveats in them, for which you will need the assistance of specialist property accountants to help with claiming expenses and managing liabilities.

Track and Record Income and Expenses

An accountant is necessary to take care of the most basic tasks related to your properties and lands. They can handle property accounting by recording your income from real estate and noting down all the expenses. Taking this information, the accountants can keep you updated on the income potential of your property. Accurate record-keeping is essential for compliance with UK landlord tax regulations.

In addition to this, the landlords can also prepare yearly reports and financial statements for their clients. However, these services are only required for landlords with multiple properties. Through these reports, they can highlight every property’s financial performance. Landlords can use these reports to make better decisions.

Grow and Scale your Property Portfolio

Buying and selling properties at the right time is vital for a real estate investor. Property accountants can help you get a sense of the market, know the tax ramifications of each transaction, and help your investment portfolio grow. For property owners, property accountants play a crucial role in advising on market timing and structuring property deals, ensuring that their financial and operational strategies are optimized for success. Managing landlord tax returns is crucial for property investors looking to grow their portfolio.

They can give advice to landlords on matters like incorporation and business structuring. Especially for landlords with multiple properties, it is advisable to create a limited company and follow the tax implications relevant to their business structure.

Landlords accountants have expertise and experience in this domain and can provide timely recommendations and suggestions on properties.

Capital Gains Tax Planning for Property Owners

Engaging property tax specialists when selling your property can be highly beneficial. They can provide valuable guidance on capital gains tax planning to ensure your sale is structured in a tax-efficient manner.

This can potentially save you a property investor a significant amount of money. Therefore, it is advisable to consult with a professional accountant to make the most of your property sale from a taxation standpoint.

Incorporation and Structuring Advice

A landlord accountant can offer valuable guidance to landlords managing multiple properties when it comes to choosing between operating as an individual or through a limited company. Specialist property accountants provide tailored advice on incorporation and structuring, ensuring that landlords make informed decisions.

They consider important factors such as tax implications and legal considerations to help make an informed decision. Additionally, understanding the importance of stamp duty land tax (SDLT) and ensuring compliance with HMRC rules, especially in the context of owning multiple properties, is crucial. A knowledgeable accountant can navigate these complexities effectively.

Seeking their expertise can be highly beneficial to ensure compliance and maximize financial efficiency.

How Tax Accountancy Changes According to the Type of Landlord?

Landlord tax accountancy rules and structuring are different for tax purposes and different types of landlords; different types of landlords need to be aware of UK landlord tax regulations.

First-Time Landlords: First-time landlords need to report their rental income, even if they are not making any profit. Even before purchasing a property, the landlords must ensure that they are tax efficient. For first-timers, landlord tax accountants can give a clear picture of what they can afford and how to manage finances and stay compliant.

Landlords Managing One or Two Properties: These are landlords under the scanner of HMRC, especially after the latter’s “Let Property Campaign” is underway. Through this campaign, the HMRC aims to recover unpaid landlord tax. A landlord tax accountant will help their clients know whether they are compliant to pay tax under this campaign or not.

Landlords with Multiple Blocks of Flats: Here, the landlords are recommended to set up a flat management company. This company is then liable to pay taxes and file annual records, for which they need a landlord tax accountant. From submission of account accounts to the Companies House to submitting tax returns to the HMRC, landlord tax accountants can take care of multiple requirements.

Landlords with a Property Portfolio: For landlords managing a property portfolio, preparing yearly reports and financial statements is crucial. A property accountant can streamline the portfolio to increase returns and minimize risk. They provide specialized financial guidance, including tax planning and advice on all property tax matters, ensuring compliance and efficiency.

Some considerations when hiring a landlord accountant in the UK

Qualifications and Expertise: finding accountants specialised in UK property and real estate accounting who are members of professional bodies. A specialist property team, including property accountants and tax advisors, can provide the necessary knowledge, expertise, and advice to property investors and developers. It is also important to hire an accountant familiar with UK landlord tax regulations to ensure compliance and optimize tax benefits.

Local Knowledge: It is crucial to ensure that your accountant is well-versed in the regulations and tax laws of the specific region where your properties are situated.

Technology: Modern landlord accounting services and processes in the UK heavily utilize software. A proficient landlord accountant with expertise in property management software and accounting platforms can significantly streamline financial operations.

Communication Skills: It is important to select an accountant who has the ability to explain financial matters clearly and actively communicate with their clients.

Landlords Accountants can help with HMRC Let Property Campaign

The Let Property Campaign is a program aimed at residential property landlords. It helps them declare any previously undisclosed income from previous tax years. Property tax specialists can assist landlords in navigating this process, ensuring accurate declarations and minimizing potential penalties.

Taxpayers can take the initiative to update their tax records through the Let Property Campaign by requesting to participate before being contacted by HMRC. It is advisable to voluntarily disclose tax information as this can result in decreased penalties and quicker resolution of issues.

What happens if you don’t declare rental income to HMRC? If you have rental income that you have not declared to HMRC, it is important to do so as soon as possible. Failing to declare this income may result in significant penalties, potentially costing you many thousands of Pounds.

Landlord Accountant Recommend Setting up an SPV Company

What is a special purpose vehicle (SPV)?

A special purpose vehicle (SPV) is essentially a dedicated limited company established for a specific objective. In the context of property investment, an SPV is utilised exclusively to acquire and lease properties.

It is advisable not to commingle your rental properties with another business, such as contracting or consulting, as this can complicate the mortgage application process. Lenders generally prefer properties to be held within a distinct SPV that is specifically established for property investment.

By setting up a separate SPV for this purpose, you can streamline the mortgage approval process and enhance your chances of obtaining financing for property investments, including commercial properties.

How is an SPV different to personally owned buy-to-lets?

In recent years, there has been a noticeable shift among small investors towards using Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) for purchasing buy-to-let properties.

This change can be attributed to alterations in tax legislation. The process of acquiring a property through an SPV closely resembles personal ownership, with the key distinction being that the property is owned by the company, and you possess ownership of the company itself.

This strategy has gained popularity due to the potential tax advantages and the ability to separate personal and business assets. UK property accountants provide tailored financial solutions for property investors, helping them navigate the complexities of SPVs and ensuring compliance with tax regulations. The transition to using SPVs offers small investors an alternative approach to property investment, aligning with evolving market dynamics.

Whether you are a landlord owning a single property in the city, a property investor with a diverse portfolio, or own hundreds of rental units, you have to stay compliant with the rules, pay taxes, and submit reports. With the help of a landlord tax accountant, all the requirements, tasks, and processes will be taken care of. As a result, the landlords will end up saving a lot of money and stay protected from the HMRC’s scanner.

Landlord Accounting Options

As a landlord, you have several options for managing your finances, each with its own set of advantages. Here are some options to consider:

  • Hiring a Professional Accountant: Engaging a professional accountant can provide you with personalized advice and guidance on managing your rental income, expenses, and tax liability. They can help you with tax planning opportunities, ensuring you take full advantage of all available deductions and credits. This approach is particularly beneficial for those with multiple properties or complex financial situations, as it ensures your finances are handled in a tax-efficient manner.
  • Using Accounting Software: For those who prefer a more hands-on approach, accounting software can be a valuable tool. These platforms help you manage your finances and stay organized, with many cloud-based options allowing you to access your accounts from anywhere. This can be a cost-effective solution for landlords with a smaller portfolio, providing a balance between DIY accounting and professional services.
  • DIY Accounting: If you are comfortable with numbers and have a small portfolio of properties, you might consider managing your finances on your own. While this can save money on accountant fees, it can be time-consuming and may not be the most tax-efficient option. DIY accounting requires a good understanding of tax laws and regulations to ensure compliance and optimize your tax position.

Types of Landlord Accounting

Understanding the different types of landlord accounting is crucial for managing your rental properties effectively. Here are the main methods:

  • Cash Basis Accounting: This method involves recording income and expenses as they are received or paid. It is straightforward and provides a clear picture of your cash flow, making it easier to manage day-to-day finances. However, it may not always reflect the true financial position of your rental business.
  • Accruals Accounting: Unlike cash basis accounting, accruals accounting records income and expenses as they are earned or incurred, regardless of when the money is actually received or paid. This method provides a more accurate picture of your financial performance over time, which can be beneficial for long-term planning and decision-making.
  • Limited Company Accounting: If you own a limited company, you will need to use a different type of accounting. This involves recording income and expenses as they are earned or incurred, and also preparing annual accounts and a corporation tax return. Limited company accounting can offer tax advantages and help separate personal and business finances, but it also comes with additional reporting requirements and complexities.

Deciding on Your Main Residence

If you own multiple properties, determining which one is your main residence for tax purposes is essential, as it can significantly impact your tax liability. Here are some key considerations:

  • Single Main Residence: You can only have one main residence at a time. This is typically the property where you spend the most time.
  • Time Spent: Your main residence is usually the property where you live most of the year. If you split your time between multiple properties, you may need to make an election to nominate one as your main residence.
  • Making an Election: If you own multiple properties, you may need to formally elect one as your main residence. There are strict time limits for making this election, so it’s important to seek tax advice promptly to ensure compliance and optimize your tax position.

What to Expect from an Accountant

Hiring a professional accountant to manage your finances can provide numerous benefits. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Personalized Advice and Guidance: An accountant will offer tailored advice on managing your rental income, expenses, and tax liability. They will help you navigate the complexities of tax laws and ensure you are making the most of tax planning opportunities.
  • Tax Planning Opportunities: Accountants can identify and maximize eligible deductions and credits, helping you reduce your tax liability. They will also assist with long-term tax planning to optimize your financial position.
  • Tax Return Preparation: Your accountant will help prepare and file your tax return, ensuring accuracy and compliance with tax laws. This can save you time and reduce the risk of errors or penalties.
  • Regular Updates and Communication: A good accountant will keep you informed about your finances with regular updates and clear communication. They will provide insights and recommendations to help you make informed decisions.
  • Professional and Friendly Service: Expect a professional and approachable service, with no hidden charges or upfront fees. Your accountant should be a trusted advisor, helping you achieve your financial goals efficiently and effectively.

By considering these options and understanding what to expect from an accountant, landlords can make informed decisions to manage their rental properties effectively and stay compliant with tax regulations.

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

Do landlords really need an accountant?

Yes, many landlords find it beneficial to hire a professional accountant to manage their tax affairs and financial records. An accountant can provide valuable expertise and ensure compliance with tax regulations.

What are the benefits of hiring a landlord tax accountant?

Hiring a landlord tax accountant can help landlords save time, reduce stress, maximize tax deductions, and ensure accurate financial reporting. Additionally, accountants can provide strategic tax planning and guidance for long-term financial success.

How can a landlord tax accountant help with tax deductions?

An experienced landlord tax accountant can identify and maximize eligible tax deductions for rental property expenses, such as mortgage interest, property maintenance, insurance, and depreciation, ultimately reducing the landlord’s tax liability.

Will a landlord tax accountant help with record-keeping?

Yes, a landlord tax accountant can assist with maintaining organized and accurate financial records, including rental income, expenses, and relevant documentation, which is crucial for tax compliance and financial transparency.

Can a landlord tax accountant provide guidance on property investment strategies?

Indeed, a knowledgeable landlord tax accountant can offer valuable insights and advice on managing your property portfolio, including the tax implications of buying, selling, and managing rental properties.

How can a landlord tax accountant assist with tax planning opportunities?

A landlord tax accountant can develop personalized tax planning strategies to help landlords minimize tax liabilities, optimize cash flow, and make informed financial decisions that align with their long-term goals.

Are landlord tax accountants familiar with specific tax regulations for rental properties?

Yes, reputable landlord tax accountants are well-versed in the specific tax regulations and deductions applicable to rental properties, enabling them to provide accurate and tailored tax advice and services for landlords.